søndag 27. mars 2011

Project x52, week 12: Theme "Glede" (Joy)

Gjensidig glede © Jelrik Nylund-van Berkel
The theme this week was joy. This has been a very busy week for me and I became more and more desperate to find a picture. But when we had a visit of my father and mother-in-law, the picture came. Last summer, they dogsittet Leah, a little cocker spaniel who lives with our neighbors. She became very fond to them. She smells immediately when they are visiting (and yes they shower each day)  us and spin off to our front door to greet the in-laws. So also happened yesterday. Leah found her way to our house and jumped on the couch while she made ​​noises and enjoyed rolling around while she was scratched on the belly and got a massage of her paws. A very good sign of delightand joy from the little dog and the reunion with my father in law.

Please find the blog of x52 project here

The other participants made those solutions for this week:

Line Aakre: Smiiiiiiletabelett
Geir Ertzgaard: Nummer 14
Anne: Glede
Line Storlid: LOL: Glede
Ståle Ertzgaard: En fargesymfoni
Stein-Evert Pettersen: "Hoppende glad"
Naturglede: Gledesutbrudd

søndag 20. mars 2011

3 Bloggfavoritter

Jeg var så utrolig heldig og følte meg veldig beæret da min arbeids -og bloggkollega Cecilie fra littshabbylittslittogbaremitt.blogspot.com omtalte meg som en av sine 3 favoritte blogger. Ideen var følgende. Jeg siterer Cecilie: "Ideen er at en skal beskrive 3 blogger en liker ekstra godt . og dette gir andre lesere muligheten til å oppdage nye blogger de ikke hadde vært innom før. En fin måte å få nye blogginspirasjoner!!"
Så jeg følger hennes eksempel og slenger meg på favorittbølgen.

1. Kanskje cliché å sende en favorittblogg tilbake men jeg må bare starte med Cecilies egen blogg. Cecilie driver en blogg om interiør og familieliv. Morsom kombinasjon siden det siste, eller noen deler av det siste, er i stand å ødelegge det meste som finnes av interiør; eller i hvert fall rote det skikkelig til. Cecilie er trebarnsmor og kombinerer jobb, oppdrag i utlandet med å være mor og i tillegg vise masse omsorg for huset sitt. Via hennes blogg lærte jeg ordet "hvitbloggere" siden interiøret er preget av hvite farger, lyse farger og litt shabbychicke ting. Hun har maaaange følgere, klarer å ta fine interiørbilder og ble til og med lagt merke til av interiørblader. Bare å titte innom hennes blogg og få en latter eller inspirasjon.

2. Moments in life by Line: Line er en sprudlende småbarnsmor fra Norges wild west i Sandnes. Jeg ble kjent med henne via bildeprosjekt x52 og falt med en gang for stilen hun har i bildene. Hun har tatt noen av de mest vakre bilder som jeg har sett de siste årene og har en flink datter som elsker å være modell for henne. Hun inspirerte meg til å ta opp kameraet igjen og begynne å knipse i vei for bildeprosjektet. I tillegg er hun en flink mentor med tilbakemeldinger på bilder som andre har tatt og jeg har lært mye om fotografi gjennom hennes konstruktive kritikk. Ta en tur innom hennes blogg og drøm bort i hennes bilder.

3. I just wanna dance. Bloggen fra Anne Line. Anne Line var tidligere kollega fra meg da hun jobbet hos oss for å lage mat til oss i kantina. Jeg har alltid vært storimponert over alt Anne Line har fått til. Hun har tatt fotografiutdanning og har laget en haug med vakre bilder også er hun en kjempeflink danser. Hun har vært noen år på Bårdar instituttet hvor hun trener for harde livet til å bli danser. Og det er en fantastisk evne hun har siden Anne Line ble hørselshemmet da hun var 3 år gammel. Jeg vet at hun ikke lar seg stoppe av dette og lever livet som hver av oss. I tillegg har jeg aldri møtt et menneske som klarer å lese så mange bøker på så kort tid som hun gjør. Respekt. Hun har blogget siden hun var i fjortisstadiet i en blogg som ser hverdagslivet fra et skeivt standpunkt i konstant bevegelse, som hun sier det så pent selv. Hun skriver veldig morsomt og det er alltid hyggelig å stikke innom hennes blogg for å få litt hverdagsoppdatering.

fredag 18. mars 2011

Week 11/52: Flukt (Escape)

Flowerpower - © Jelrik Nylund-van Berkel
The theme that Sonia chose this week for the project x/52 was "FLUKT" or in English "escape". It matched very well my program this week since I was planning a  two day trip to Belgium. Immediately came the word "plane" through my head but then I started thinking a little deeper on the subject "escape " I thought of a small statue in the city "Leuven" in Belgium which shows a student who has opened his skull and pours beer in the head. Thought it was funny to take a picture of a symbol for students fleeing in beer and fun when it gets too heavy to study. Great was my amazement that on the spot where the statue was, there now was a big gap since the municipality is building a new sewagesystem (kloakk). The statue was temporarely in a warehouse.

When me and my wife got married, my parents took a little "blåveis"-flower from the cabin and planted it in the garden in Belgium. Each year, this blåveis is open long before the snow is gone here in Norway. This blåveis in a way escaped from cold Norway to enjoy the Belgian spring with lovely weather early in the year (it was now 18 degrees down there). At the same time I took a little escape from the Norwegian snow by watching this little beautiful flower and dreaming forward to the fantastic springtime coming to Norway

Watch the solutions of the other participants here

Other members had these solutions:

Vibeke Prestmo Valestrand: Trying to escapeStåle Ertzgaard: Hverdagsflukt 
Anne: Flukt
Randi Lind: Ekornflukt
Line Storlid:Virkelighetsflukt
Sonja Middelhuis: Flukt fra fatet
Yngve Thoresen: A Safe Place For Books

onsdag 9. mars 2011

Week 10/52: Forlatte steder (Abandoned places)

Windoweyes - © Jelrik Nylund-van Berkel

This week was the theme of x52 project chosen by me. I like the historical interesting facts that old, abandonded buildings can tell by strolling around and in them. Abandonded places give us a very strange feeling. They are scary, they are interesting and most of all they are standing proud, upraised through bad weather and cold.

For this weeks theme, I went to the old mental institution of Lier. This institution was build in 1927 and a lot of buildings are in the typical mental institution style. High, odd colors, old fashioned windows. It is the same architecture through the whole of "health Norway". The style of Ullevål University Hospital, Dikemark mental institution etc...

In those buildings, they say there are ghosts. A few people made pictures there with strange shadows when developping. I can say that the buildings totally gave me the creeps. Oh my god... There was wind blowing and windows opening and closing, thing falling down, strange sounds, a very odd smell of old building. I didn't enter the buildings because it is strictly forbidden and penalty's are given when caught...

I took this picture because I had a feeling that those windows were looking at me. The building's eyes. The curtains were like flags in the wind: one waving goodbye to me and one pressed between the windows.

Have a nice tour also through the other pictures here

Check the other participant's solutions: http://www.52uker.org/

Sonja Elisabeth Middelhuis: Forlatte steder
Anne: Naust i fjæra
Vibeke Prestmo Valestrand: Rusten holk
Anne Ueland: Abandoned and destroyed
Geir Ertzgaard: Rundown
Ståle Ertzgaard: Forlater forlatt
Vanja S. Lund: Stille
Stein-Evert Pettersen: “Forlatt sted”
Yngve Thoresen: Snail Shell

tirsdag 8. mars 2011

Lier psykiatrisk sykehus

A view inside through a hole in the door
The magnificent color of the building
No more light
A shot in a window
Forgotten equipment

tirsdag 1. mars 2011

Uke 9/52: Sanseinntrykk (Impression of senses)

Waterdrops - © Jelrik Nylund-van Berkel

This weeks theme was "Sanseinntrykk" or in English "Impression of Senses". This theme was so difficult. Senses are so many. We are completely dependent on sensing the world around us to let the world exist. Without senses, no world, no feelings, no communication. I began to look for opportunities for this topic. Should I find someone who balances on a thread; should I work with another participant, provide a picturestimulus which will cause an impression on the other participant. Then we could melt together the images and manage to capture a sense which is not so easy to understand, namely, the seventh sense. But the solution is like always right in front of us. My daughter started to brush her teeth and discovered the watertap. It resulted in some waterplay between father and daughter. This little pictureline was taken when she sensed water droplets in the face. The impression of the small water droplets provided a fantastic reaction in this little 3 year old girl. She feels the wet feeling, she feels the cold, she sees the humor and feels as well the cosiness of playing with her dad a late evening far over normal bedtime...

Check the website of x/52 for other pictures by clicking here

The other members of x/52 had the following solutions of the theme:

Anne: Midt i en natt
Vibeke Prestmo Valestrand: Sansetap
Sonja E. Middelhuis: Sansegodt
Ståle Ertzgaard: Uskyldshvit smak av grønt
Stein-Evert Pettersen: As time goes by
Vanja S. Lund: Øyeblikk
Anne Ueland: The Surfer
Yngve Thoresen: Baby Rattle